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GT Touring
S3 licensed
Simply Awesome- the TC is nice as it makes this to drive fast easy and it is far easier than the Fo8, and so blinding fast.
but to get a real WR i bet is godlike to my cherub ability here.
it is almost docile in its behavior, and in turns, but one wheel off, just a hair a blade of grass and DISASTER! well done devs...
this is a gem the replays look fabulous the driver head leaning the car movement- this is THE F1 simulator no game comes close to make you feel you ar like IDE, when you are dreaming Alonso/Mika/Schumi/Prost/Senna/KImi-
I got 58.08 on Blakwood after 5 laps,
simply stunning you have to have your head on to get this one right...
perhaps it came out at a good time, just when every one since S1 could actually drive the F08, now the King!
i love this
I love LFS again!
Returned as demo racer!!
GT Touring
S3 licensed
I started LFS 2 with the Patch T and it started me up as a Demo race how do I get back to where I was? ARARARRARARRRRRGHG
GT Touring
S3 licensed
will the Fo8 become the FOX in regards to the BF1 car now?
i mean as far as drivers go, i have had real good FoX races, but the Fo8 ones have been miserable (noobs!) except on an oval...and that is pegged now by the set ups...F1 set for the BF1, what about the F08 will it continue getting respect?
GT Touring
S3 licensed
trouble indeed enough...Life gets in the way of life...
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Wouldn't it be the FO1? and now what to do with the liveries? the F08 was a great platform and rarely raced on other tracks but ovals- out fault really, but are we ready for the FO1?
where is the more powerful UF1275? instead of the UF1000?
or the Formula Ford...or the SuperTruck? or the TouringCar (a four door FXR i guess, no turbo_) or where is the Rear drive live axle Trans-am racer, or the V8 supercar? or the DTM machine? The LMP1?!!!
and Silverstone, or Donnington, or Spa or the nurburgring or Laguna seca, monza, Brno, Catalunya, LeMans? I would love teasers all along until the patch come out...the speculation is fun, and with the "what the ****?!" at well this is too good.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
A minute to waste on Black wood?
new forest perhaps. and a new configuration i bet.
It was one of the great tracks fro S1 and has been almost ignored in s2 for the mega convertible aston and Kyoto ring
a new black wood config would rule with lots more trees!
Fern bay had it trumped with the myriad versions adding to great racing FB gold is classic.

and westhill i wonder if that may get a club verison or north south bit...
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Yeup a formula ford would slot in very well in the game
no or minimal downforce, and unlike the MRT5 the FF has reverse, 4 gears right, and a much longer & wider wheel base. it would make for the great racing we see already i thin k in FF
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Rappa Z is a great spammer isn't he.
but have you seen the Tyre deformation on LFS website??
cripes is that more than now? and more than possible?
it looks like the gummi's are going to rip rigt off the rim!
GT Touring
S3 licensed
SuperLap? on tyres? well there shouldnn't be trademark issues as It is my brand. but it isn't tyres, right now it is suspension components...chassis parts
GT Touring
S3 licensed
oops the upload link to LFS world is for you only... can't see them skins!
GT Touring
S3 licensed
live pressure and temperature sensore for tyres already exist, pressure monitors are standard in Toyota cars (avalon, lexus brand car...) so you can F9 for pressure (and active pressure may be used in F1 according to Max mosley) so a temperature sensor is simply piggy backs on the pressure apparatus- so F9 can work as a 'real' option, ofcourse it is hyperexpensive to get the reading we get here, and F1 or megacorporate technology, but it exists and in the LFS world all us racers have unlimited budgets for Data aqcuisition, repair cars whenever they break, a flawless pit crew, and zero transportation costs to the tracks, and no fuel price to deal with-

so with given technology IRL we can use F9, just irl we really don't have money to do this to our club race cars, or even semipro, or even pro touring or FIA GT, but some leeway is given, if Sir Richard Branson decided to go racing and had this installed, no one we think it unreal, he has the money to hook up any elctrics and sensors he wants. Now tele pitting should go
they should havea towtruck come rescue you and cause a local yellow, and pull you onto track and you have to limp to the pits...
GT Touring
S3 licensed
yes true i know many good KBer's so i was speaking in a generality. but the smoothness isn't there i still feel so. and as far as my lap times versus the Kb'er um, what are you talking about? y iran out of gas in race 1 on the last lap in 2nd place, and the 2nd race i was crashed out- by a KBer- which i first accused of ridiculous warping- which would be a better excuse than swerving and not holding a clean line. no offense really to the KB'er involved, who ofcourse i am not naming for it really is irrelevant who it was, just so it was my first observation of a KB racer and how different they were on track than other racers... I only recently started playing at random servers with lots of racers, and the complaints I have seen about new racers, and online wrecking, and nutters are very true.

(at Almost every server i have visited so far) barely a clean lap can be done by the field, the first car and one deep in the field often get away form the start as everyone crashes (first corner red mist?) and in the middle of races, lapped traffic- doesn't want to be lapped, or can't give up the line for a time long enough or in an appropriate place to be passed. So I have been relegated to NorthAmerican server emptiness(-where is everyone?), with the exception of the excellent server at CORE racing- very good racing in the majority, and EAGLE racers, and of course MCPOLICE, with his crazy angry bot racing there all day.

since i have done all the liscence tests and passed on Pro, and beaten the Single plaer Ai on allmost every track in every car on pro, i thought i can race online responsibly and lo and behold the level of madness and varying skill level makes this Nigh impossible to find a good server, or one that has anyone racing and not Drifting- what is it with drifting servers anyway?
I have found like 5 Drift servers packed every night, yet not one full race server they are empty...
but this is why the team was started for more North American RACING, and good clean racing.

I hope to see many of you out there, i apologize for the occasional bump in advance, but I would never intentionally wreck or wreck in retaliation-
that isn't what I do, or what I feel this team is together to do.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
so how do you set Web alerts?
through the sms alert? i was on LFS desktop and the web alert window is just the grayblue color with no options in it
GT Touring
S3 licensed
yeah I was-
I would like to recommend a wheel for everyone...
KB racers drive like they're drunk and make bad racing.
Core racing has an awesome server, 16 people tonight. and it was really good racing....for the most part. But that amount of people highlight that you need a certain consensus of skill, if you are a noob, ok. if you are OK.quick/pro well thats great race then. but NEWBIE vs, quick or pro can lead to millions of accident and no fun.

I hope to convey that we would like to race, not drift or crash or anything (unless race is over than drive into walls if you want)

and if you are a lap down- you know who you are, let the person pass, on the inside.

If you have a wreck, go to pits. if you can drive to the pits do so with flashers on and stay on th eslow side off the racing line.

If you are clearly faster, and you are passing some one, well be smart about it, and the person being passed, you don't have to surrender the line, but be smart- concede when you know they are on you,and let them pass on the next straight. unless of course they zing by you on a corner....

First corner or first lap wrecks of more than 50% of the field=restart.
does that sound fair?
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Ugh bicoastalness

PM or Email me for whatever
GT Touring
S3 licensed
also you get to know people's driving style and habits and its fun to be racing in a safe place without nutters wrekcing you.
and keeping in the same skill level and such.
its good. also free beer.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Hmm i found this.... it seems the new update is universal as to the direction this thread is going.

and what does anyone know really

- -
( )
GT Touring
S3 licensed
well it is very Orange (arrows f1) so not red easy to distinguish from other teams...
The NA community while supposedly big is frustratingly smaller than a lot of others, getting good races going and a good server is tough stuff. EAGLE racing being one of the better ones in NA and MCPolice's crazy angry Bot server...we'd like to add an alternative- oh and Noobs welcome. it should be a good place to learn racecraft and such-(even if I am guilty of the occasional side swipe in the past-drifting out of corners and such-Sorry JETHRO )
Finishing races is priority-as they say to finish first-first you must finish.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Perhaps this has been suggested, but a key or such that tells you what track you are on when you start, i seem to forget for whatever reason...
i start ASNAT and i wonder AS3 AS4? or South City, um SOcity Sprint, rev? SoCITY4. So City 3 what the heck?
so when you press PB key why not say "Your PB at (INSERT FULL TRSCK NAME) is 1.XX.XX"
GT Touring
S3 licensed
oh yes i looked up the card tweaker in my PC and found only a two set up
however it seems three can be hoooked up or more as long as the resolution is set porperly and the option to extend the desktop across the field is selected.
I am not about to buy two extra monitors to find out though
GT Touring
S3 licensed
well it works very well on GPL and Vroc
get a standard track (Silverstone GP, Spa, Monza etc.) and how many will be released? GTL has had a very controlled track release and every on eis on the same ones. Perhaps LFS can implement a DevThumbsUP rating to have tracks listed as Official- if more than 2 people make Nurburgring, and the devs or a team as assigned get to choose the final version, with LFS proper logos added and the seal of approval. It is an extra step but this ensures 1. Quality control, 2. devs don't get overloaded by the work by having an assigned team for track submissions (and ofcourse the team would be dev chosen)
3. a standard dwonload location i.e. LFS web site for approved releases, and patches.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
so how do you set up triple monitors?
my card supports three- (9800 ati 256k)
but physically
do they cable into one another, or all into the tower?
i have not looked into this but i think i want to now
GT Touring
S3 licensed
I find you can adjust the driving style for a FWD car with a locked diff and make it frighteningly fast. True a proper set up differential would work best but it is the braking (coast) setting of a diff in a front driver which make it a bear if wrong- the car lifts the rear and woooop
the lockeddiff simplifies much of the racing, as the driven wheel now are very predictable the behavior is no longer variable. in LFS it certainly works for me.
Turn in later than usual and hammer down through the apex out and you will be cookin around the circuit.

in real life it seems that a locked front diff is madness- but i know of a few front drivers (outside of drag racing who do this)
the car in the attached pic runs a locked front diff- it does the FIA border series (a weak touring car series on the mexico/california border cities- mostly street races and some mexican cicuits)

Different drivers can get away with much, and rules can allow for FWD AWD and 4WD compete equally (WTCC alfas vs. BMW- the Alfas certainly do the right job quickly) Ford Mondeo any one BTCC? fast as any comer for sure.
GT Touring
S3 licensed
Rappa that skin is a excellent personal one- in fact it is very pro looking.
no need for cluter or weird graphics, justwell done.
can i get one?
GT Touring
S3 licensed
hi all I repair my ABarth skin for the UF1000, and made a UFR version
I also made a Swedish racing UF1000, UFR (based on Dan jepsson's design.) sorry about spelling.
so here are some previews of the UF1000's and race versions are included here.